Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy
DiNN Enterprise CIC is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people. Safeguarding is broader than ‘child protection’ as it also includes prevention. Safeguarding is paramount to taking all reasonable measures to ensure that the risks of harm to children and young people’s welfare are minimised.
In this respect, DiNN Enterprise CIC acknowledges its responsibility as a provider of services for children and young people, many of whom may have social, emotional, behavioural difficulties or physical disabilities.
In regards to DiNN Enterprise CIC's work with children and young people, we have developed this policy to primarily protect children and young people in our care. It is designed to reassure service users, their parents/carers/advocates and the contracting/commissioning bodies for whom we provide services. It also establishes the roles and responsibilities of everyone who works for DiNN Enterprise CIC in relation to safeguarding the children and young people with whom we work. It does this by setting out clear guidance, so Staff, Volunteers, Board, Participants and Members are able to act appropriately in any given situation.
This policy is based on and reflects, the principles of both UK legislation and guidance and other relevant DiNN Enterprise CIC policies and procedures. The approach has been developed in such a way as to be consistent with 'Best Practice' within the field of safeguarding children and young people.
Forms of Abuse
Abuse can take many forms. These include:
Physical Abuse
This may include hitting, shaking, throwing burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a young person. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer feigns the symptoms of or deliberately causes ill health to a young person who they are looking after. This is commonly described using such terms as ‘fictitious’ illness by proxy or ‘Munchausen’s Syndrome by proxy’.
Sexual Abuse
Involves forcing or enticing a young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the young person is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, including penetrative (e.g. rape) or non-penetrative acts. They may include non-contact activities such as involving young people in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic materials or watching sexual activities or encouraging young people to behave in sexually inappropriate ways.
This is the persistent failure to meet the young person’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the young person’s health or development. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing; failure to protect a young person from physical harm or danger, or failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a young person’s basic emotional needs.
Emotional Abuse
This is the persistent emotional ill-treatment of a young person such as to cause severe and persistent effects on the young person’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to young people that they are worthless and unloved, inadequate, or valued only so far as they meet the needs of another person. It may involve age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on young people. It may involve causing young people frequently to feel frightened or in danger, or the exploitation or corruption of young people. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill-treatment of a young person, though it may occur alone.
Significant Harm
Some young people may be in need because they are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. The Children Act V section 47 (1) introduced the concept of significant harm as the threshold that justifies compulsory intervention in family life in the best interest of the young person.
Protection From Harm or Abuse
It is everyone at DiNN Enterprise CIC's responsibility to promote the safety of the children and young people we work with. Staff, volunteers, Participants, Members, and Board are always expected to maintain a sense of proportion, apply common sense to situations and protect the child' or the young person’s welfare as the key priority.
It is also DiNN Enterprise CIC duty to ensure that staff, volunteers, participants, members and board are never placed in situations where abuse might be alleged. It is not intended that the policy should restrict staff, volunteers, participants, members and board from normal ways of working, but they always need to consider how an action or activity may be perceived as opposed to how it is intended.
Principles of Good Practice
DiNN Enterprise CIC considers that:
All children and young people, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial or ethnic origin, religious belief and sexual identity have a right to be treated with care, respect and dignity;
The welfare of the child or young person is the paramount consideration;
Those working for DiNN Enterprise CIC will be perceived by children and young people as trusted representatives of DiNN Enterprise CIC
It is important to ensure communication with children and young people is open and clear;
It is essential to assess the risks to children and young people of its activities through comprehensive risk assessment at the inception of the contract or transport request;
It is important for staff, volunteers, participants, members and board to avoid physical contact with children and young people except for that which is clearly outlined in duties outlined in job descriptions and role profiles.
Designated Safeguarding Children and Young People Officer
The Designated Safeguarding Children and Young People Officer is DiNN Enterprise CIC's CEO. Contact details: [email protected]
The role of the designated member of staff for safeguarding children and young people is to:
Ensure that DiNN Enterprise CIC Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy is implemented throughout the organisation and;
Carry out all necessary child protection/safeguarding-related enquiries, procedures and investigations;
Ensure secure and confidential record-keeping on safeguarding matters, that a "need to know" confidentiality policy is preserved on such matters and that all staff, volunteers, trainees and management committee members apply themselves fully to the Data Protection Act, 1998;
Liaise with social services and the police in the relevant boroughs on child protection/safeguarding matters, both formally and informally;
Report allegations and suspicions of abuse to the appropriate authorities;
Ensure there are adequate and appropriate induction and training for all Staff, volunteers, participants, members and board on child safeguarding matters;
Ensure that all activities carried out by DiNN Enterprise CIC satisfy safeguarding requirements with regard to personnel, practices and premises
Check and countersigns all incident reports made by staff making such reference to outside agencies as is appropriate.
Report on the implementation of the Safeguarding Children Policy at all DiNN Enterprise CIC management committee meetings.
Staffing Issues and Disclosure
New Appointments
As part of the DiNN Enterprise CIC recruitment and selection process, offers of employment to positions where working with children and young people unsupervised is an expected part of the job will be subject to a DBS check. This applies to persons engaged on permanent, fixed-term or agency contracts.
If the disclosure reveals that they have been convicted of any offence relating to children or young people; and/or subject to any disciplinary action or sanction relating to children or young people, the candidate will not be appointed to that post or area of work.
If the disclosure shows that the candidate has previous convictions, but they are not related to children or young people, DiNN Enterprise CIC in consultation with any contracting body will decide whether the candidate is suitable for the post they have applied for.
Any decision will be recorded in writing and stored for future reference.
Current Staff
All current members of staff, volunteers or trainees who have unsupervised access to children and young people will have been subject to a DBS check on appointment. If they continue to undertake unsupervised work with children and young people, their DBS disclosure will be updated every three years.
If the disclosure reveals that they have been convicted of any offence relating to children or young people and/or subject to any disciplinary action or sanction relating to children, DiNN Enterprise CIC Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure will be enacted.
If the disclosure shows that the candidate has received a conviction, but that it is not related to children or young people, DiNN Enterprise CIC in consultation with any contracting body will decide whether the candidate can remain in post.
If the disclosure reveals no convictions or disciplinary action or sanctions the post holder will remain in post and no further action will be taken.
Any decision will be recorded in writing and stored for future reference.
There may be instances where DiNN Enterprise CIC staff, volunteers, participants, members and board who do not ordinarily work directly with children and young people are required to do so.
If access is supervised at all times by an authorised person who has received a cleared DBS check it is not necessary for the staff member, volunteer, participant, member or board member to be subject to a DBS check.
If access is unsupervised for any period of time an enhanced DBS check will be undertaken.
Any decision will be recorded in writing and stored for future reference.
Current Staff Convictions
Irrespective of the requirements outlined above should a member of DiNN Enterprise CIC personnel be charged or convicted of any offence clauses they will be taken through the disciplinary and grievance procedure.
Procedures for DiNN Enterprise CIC Personnel (Staff, Volunteers, Participants, Members and Board)
Reporting Witnessed Incidents or Abuse or Reports from Children and Young People
Reporting Witnessed Incidents:
All DiNN Enterprise CIC personnel should be alert to any signs of abuse and report any concerns or suspicions to their line manager or in the case of management committee members directly to the Designated Child Safeguarding Officer, immediately or as soon as it is practicable to do so i.e. at the end of a journey;
The member of personnel will be required to complete an occurrence report;
In the case of staff or volunteers, the line manager will refer this matter to the Designated Children and Young People Safeguarding Officer who should contact the contracting client. The contracting client’s child protection/safeguarding children and young people’s procedures will then apply;
If the alleged incident did not occur within the context of a contract operated by DiNN Enterprise CIC the local authority within which the alleged incident occurred should be contacted and/or the police. Their guidance should then be followed;
A record of the incident and action taken must be kept and filed within DiNN Enterprise CIC. Record-keeping on safeguarding children matters must be secure and confidential, a "need to” confidentiality policy is preserved on such matters, and all staff and members of the management committee within DiNN Enterprise CIC must apply themselves fully to the Data Protection Act, 1998.
Reports from Children and Young People:
If a child or young person tells a member of DiNN Enterprise CIC personnel of any incident of abuse, or states any concerns about the behaviour of any person (service related or not i.e. friends or family) this person must inform the child or young person that this matter cannot remain confidential;
The member of personnel should contact their line manager who will require them to complete an occurrence report. If this is a management committee member they should contact the Designated Children and Young People Safeguarding Officer;
The line manager will then refer this matter to the Designated Children and Young People Safeguarding Officer who should contact the contracting authority or agency. The contracting authority or agency’s child protection/safeguarding children and young people’s procedures will then apply;
If the alleged incident did not occur within the context of a contract operated by DiNN Enterprise CIC the local authority within which the alleged incident occurred should be contacted and/or the police. Their guidance should then be followed;
A record of the incident and action taken must be kept and filed within DiNN Enterprise CIC. Record-keeping on safeguarding children matters must be secure and confidential, a "need to” confidentiality policy is preserved on such matters, and all staff and members of the management committee within DiNN Enterprise CIC must apply themselves fully to the Data Protection Act, 1998.
Allegations Made Against DiNN Enterprise CIC Personnel (Staff, Volunteer, Participants, Members and Board)
If an allegation against any person working for DiNN Enterprise CIC is made the following procedure must be followed. The person or persons making the allegation will be required to complete an occurrence report. This should be taken by a member of DiNN Enterprise CIC senior management team. The manager will then refer this matter to the Designated Child Safeguarding Officer;
The Designated Safeguarding Children and Young People’s Officer should inform the DiNN Enterprise CIC employee against whom the complaint has been made as soon as possible unless there appears to be a case that this might prejudice a criminal investigation. The Designated Safeguarding Children Officer should consult with the contracting authority regarding police notification and involvement and take direction from the contracting authority. If the allegation/s made is/are of a criminal nature, e.g. allegations of sexual abuse, physical assault or inappropriate behaviour, the Designated Safeguarding Children Officer will enact DiNN Enterprise CIC Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure and suspend the person from any activity in DiNN Enterprise CIC for reasons of alleged gross misconduct;
The member of Personnel in question will remain suspended unless and until the police and/or social services confirm there was no substance to the report. An incident report will be made and treated as confidential.
If no criminal allegation has been made the Designated Safeguarding Children’s Officer will conduct an investigation by gathering as much detail as possible from available sources of information. It will follow DiNN Enterprise CIC Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure. The contracting client (if relevant) will be informed of the outcome of the investigation process and any resultant appeal.
Review and Evaluation
Documenting Disclosure:
In all cases outlined above written records of the process and the decisions taken throughout must be maintained. In the first instance, this will include the completion of an incident report.
Monitoring, Review and Evaluation:
Incidences of breaches of this policy should be kept and reviewed at contract/depot meetings and Senior Managers’ meetings to review how these matters were dealt with to inform future policy and practice.
Last review: 30 Sept 2024