Volunteer Agreement
This Volunteer Agreement is a description of the arrangement between us, (DINN Enterprise CIC), and you (the volunteer) in relation to your voluntary work. The intention of this agreement is to assure you that we appreciate your volunteering with us and to indicate our commitment to do the best we can to make your volunteer experience with us a positive and rewarding one.
Part 1: DINN Enterprise CIC
We, DINN Enterprise CIC, accept the voluntary service of (name of volunteer) beginning (date).
Your role as a volunteer is (state nature and components of the work). This work is designed to (state the purpose of work in relation to its benefit to the organisation).
We commit to the following:
1. Induction and training
To provide thorough induction on the work of DINN Enterprise CIC, its staff, your volunteering role and the training necessary to assist you in meeting the responsibilities of your volunteering role
2. Supervision, support and flexibility
To define appropriate standards of our services, communicate them to you, and encourage and support you to achieve and maintain them as part of your voluntary work
To provide a personal supervisor who will meet with you regularly to discuss your volunteering and any associated problems
To do our best to help you develop your volunteering role with us and to be flexible in how we use your volunteering
3. Expenses
To reimburse the following expenses incurred by you in doing your voluntary work you must fill in this form - https://doitnownow.typeform.com/to/CYgQtD
4. Health and safety
To provide adequate training and feedback in support of our health and safety policy, a copy of which is in the Volunteers Handbook
5. Insurance
To provide adequate insurance cover for volunteers whilst undertaking voluntary work approved and authorised by us
6. Equal opportunities
To ensure that all volunteers are dealt with in accordance with our equal opportunities policy
7. Problems
To endeavour to resolve in a fair and just manner any problems, grievances or difficulties which may be encountered while you volunteer with us
In the event of an unresolved problem, to offer an opportunity to discuss the issues in accordance with our disciplinary and grievance procedures
Part 2: The volunteer
I, (full name in capitals), agree to be a volunteer with DINN Enterprise CIC and commit to the following:
To help DINN Enterprise CIC fulfil its mission to empower Black people through entrepreneurship, leadership and innovation training, and the provision of tools and resources to support that end
To perform my volunteering role to the best of my ability
To adhere to the organisation’s rules, procedures and standards, including health and safety procedures and its equal opportunities policy in relation to its staff, volunteers, members and participants
To maintain the confidential information of the organisation and of its members and participants
To meet the time commitments and standards undertaken, other than in exceptional circumstances, and provide reasonable notice so that alternative arrangements can be made
To provide referees, as agreed, who may be contacted, and to agree to a police check being carried out where necessary
Last review: 30 Sept 2024