Community Spotlights
The Black community is often hailed for our resilience and entrepreneurial spirit; however, we do not often hear from Black people operating their businesses at scale.
Due to this, we want to amplify the voices of our community members by celebrating its members and assisting them to promote their work or business.
Lived Experience | Yaa Nipah - Hwupenyu Project
Founded in 2014, the Hwupenyu project directly supports people with a range of health conditions - including Diabetes, HIV+, High Blood Pressure, Mobility issues, Mental Health conditions, and Hepatitis – through providing information and advice.
Lived Experience | Jacques Matensi-Kubanza AFSCS
At the time, both volunteered supporting their fellow members from the French community in Birmingham with interpretation, reading and responding to letters, attending appointments, making phone calls and anything else that was needed.
Lived Experience Case Study | Hannah Oyewole Young Ladies’ Club
For Hannah, as the founder of the Young Ladies Club, personal development is key in helping the girls and young women understand themselves better, the challenges they face, and enabling them to find ways of addressing these challenges and moving forward positively and successfully.
Chil AI Labs | Finalist in AfriTech XYZ Innovation Prize
Having survived breast cancer herself, Shamim was inspired to make a change in her community by turning the pain she went through into something positive. She recognized that her survival was predominantly down to early detection and put her energy into setting up a mobile cancer screening lab, which later incorporated the use of artificial intelligence guided e-oncology services (to detect cervical and breast cancer).
ThinkHER Ambition for Bloss.m Mobile App
ThinkHER Ambition received £5,000 from Common Call Fund which they will use as part of the development of the mobile app: Bloss.m which will serve the community of young women who engage in their employment and education programmes. Below they outline the need for their application from the perspective of one of the girls in their community: Sabrina.