6 ways to make your pitch deck awesome

1. Be clear and stay away from industry jargon. The person reading your deck may not work in your industry, but if you can explain the business case, they'll want to know more and that's the point of a pitch deck. 

2. Don't overwhelm the reader with information. Before you submit a deck, ask a few younger friends who have no real idea what you're doing to read through it. If they can understand it completely, you're on to a winner. ​

3. Don't throw the kitchen sink at it. It’s tempting to talk about all the features you have and want to add, but in an effort to introduce your business via a presentation-style document, don't. Focus on 2-3 main features and maybe 1 game-changing feature you plan on introducing in the future. 

​4. Use the right pictures. A picture really does speak 1000 words. When you use the right pictures, you'll add a new dimension to your work by helping the reader understand you and your customer better.

5. Center your deck with data. Market data is important, investors need to know how big the market is and what its year-on-year growth is. They also need to know how many customers you have, how much they spend with you over a year and how many of your customers come back multiple times within a year.

6. Please do not include any information you consider confidential in your pitch deck. No non-disclosure agreements will be signed by anyone taking part in the review of these decks.

7. Social proof is a useful addition that could push your deck over the top. Featuring real feedback from customers on Twitter, Trustpilot, features in the media, awards won and organisations that support you is a great way to contextualise your business for potential investors. ​


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