Chantal M’Biki

Chantal M’Biki is part of the DiNN Advisory Board

I come from a diverse background, born in Congo, raised in Paris, and now a Londoner for the past decade, my journey has been deeply influenced by my passions, and the amazing people I have crossed paths with. Growing up as the only girl among three brothers, I was raised by a remarkable single mother who became my enduring role model. She instilled in me an unstoppable drive that has shaped my life’s course.

After graduating in International Trade and then Marketing, I’ve spent close to two decades working for major beauty corporations in France and the UK. However, what truly defines my proudest moments extend beyond the corporate realm. Ten years ago, I embarked on a transformative journey to London, leaving my comfort zone behind. This move allowed me to embrace the challenge of starting anew, forging meaningful connections, and discovering my resilience. Along the way, music, meditation and arts have been my anchors, providing both creative inspiration and inner peace.

I’ve always been a self-starter, driven by a profound commitment to social justice. It’s my belief that we all have the power to create positive change in the world, and that belief fuels my every endeavour. Recently, I have been deeply involved with the Arts Emergency charity, where I served as a marketing mentor to underprivileged young people. This role allowed me to give back by empowering the next generation with the skills and confidence they need to succeed. Additionally, over three years ago, I embarked on an entrepreneurial journey, launching my own wellness brand.

This venture is not just a business pursuit; it’s a reflection of my personal growth journey, catalysed by the loss of my beloved mother in 2016. Her passing taught me the importance of living with purpose and aligning my actions with my values.

Throughout my life, I’ve been fortunate to have incredible role models, and I aspire to pay it forward. My goal is to inspire others to unlock their full potential, chase their dreams, and thrive in every aspect of life. I truly believe that everyone has the power to make a difference, and I’m committed to spreading positivity and purpose wherever my journey takes me.

Experience with DiNN

I had the opportunity to join the DiNN Black and Good programme in 2022 and it has been immensely fulfilling. It not only equipped me with effective tools to elevate my business but also connected me with a supportive community of like-minded individuals. In addition, I’m deeply passionate about social justice and greatly admire the DiNN empowering and positive approach. I believe that the Black community is a pool of creativity and hidden gems, but what many people are missing are opportunities.

I am always eager to contribute to initiatives that create tangible positive change. Thus, the prospect of joining the DiNN’s advisory board is truly exciting, as it aligns with my desire to back impactful projects that foster the prosperity of our community. DiNN’s commitment to unlocking the potential within the Black community resonates with my own values, and I am enthusiastic about playing a part in their mission to empower and uplift.

What Impact means to me

Impact, to me, is the resonance of positive change in the lives of individuals and communities. It’s about harnessing our collective creativity and fostering a world where everyone has the chance to thrive, where social justice is not a distant goal but a daily commitment. It’s about leaving a legacy of opportunity, so the next generations can continue to shape a brighter, more equitable future.


Bayo Adelaja MBE


Elena Stavrou